The idea for the Subglider flashed across my mind in 1990 during my first sailing trip. It was a very hot summer and the sailors were cooling off by being towed by the sailing boat.
Upon passing the skipper exam in 1993 and through ever more frequent sailing holidays, the idea of underwater towing slowly developed. The first attempt was made using the door of the sailing boat. We removed the lock from the door and were left with a board with a hole in, which we attached a tow rope to. The first wooden version of the Subglider followed in 1995. I liked the idea so much that I developed a logo right away for the purpose of mass production and sales. Unfortunately, however, wood proved an inappropriate material, developing more and more cracks every year.
In 1999, the first version of Subglider was upgraded to a model with vertical wings, which was used for as many as 15 years. It was not until 2014, when I decided to use PVC for the manufacture of Subgliders and realized that this could be the final version.
After testing many different versions, I am sure we have finally found a solution that would satisfy all users. I am glad I followed my dreams and I believe that many lovers of the sea, underwater acrobatics and diving will be able to enjoy the Subglider.
I hope you will feel like a fish in the sea when using your Subglider,
Emil Marinšek